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Event Media Policy

Effective Date: 01 Jul 2024


This Event Media Usage and Consent Policy outlines the guidelines and procedures for the usage, publication, and consent management of pictures and videos taken at events organized by Kerala Association of Poland (KAP). This policy aims to ensure compliance with applicable privacy laws and respect the rights and preferences of individuals featured in event-related media.

Implicit Consent for Media Capture:

1.1 Consent Acknowledgment: By attending KAP events, individuals acknowledge that pictures and videos may be taken during the event for documentation, promotional, and archival purposes.


1.2 Implicit Consent: KAP considers the act of attending events as implicit consent for the capture of media, including pictures and videos, during the event. By attending, individuals understand and agree that their image or likeness may be captured and used in KAP's promotional materials, including but not limited to the KAP website and official social media platforms.


Consent Process:

2.1 Additional Usage Consent: While attending events provides implicit consent for media capture, KAP recognizes that some individuals may have concerns about specific usage beyond event documentation and promotion on official platforms. For any additional usage, such as in print media or third-party platforms, KAP will seek explicit consent through a separate consent process. This may include obtaining written consent or providing individuals with an opportunity to indicate their preferences during the registration or event participation process.


2.2 Withdrawal of Consent: Individuals who have previously given implicit or explicit consent for media usage have the right to withdraw their consent at any time. KAP shall provide a straightforward process for individuals to revoke their consent and request the removal of their media from any KAP promotional materials or official platforms.


Media Publication and Usage:

3.1 Authorized Usage: Media captured at events shall only be used for the purposes explicitly stated in the consent forms or through the implicit consent granted by attending events. KAP shall limit the usage of event-related media to its authorized promotional materials and communications on official platforms, including but not limited to the KAP websites, official social media platforms (such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.), and other official KAP communication channels.


3.2 Responsible Handling: KAP shall take reasonable measures to ensure the appropriate handling, storage, and protection of event-related media to prevent unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. Media will be securely stored and accessible only to authorized personnel responsible for managing official platforms and promotional materials.


3.3 Sensitive Information: KAP shall exercise caution when using event-related media to ensure that no sensitive personal information, such as addresses, contact details, or financial information, is inadvertently included in published materials. Any personal information associated with the media will be handled in accordance with the privacy practices outlined in KAP's Privacy Policy.


Complaints and Removal Requests:

4.1 Complaint Process: KAP shall establish a process to address any concerns, complaints, or inquiries related to the usage of event-related media. Individuals who believe their media has been used without proper consent, wish to withdraw their consent, or request the removal of specific media can contact KAP through a designated channel for such requests. Details are provided in the Annex of the policy.


4.2 Removal Requests: Upon receiving a valid request for removal of specific media, KAP shall promptly take reasonable steps to remove the requested media from its promotional materials and official platforms, including the KAP websites, official social media platforms, and other official KAP communication channels.


Policy Review and Updates:

5.1 Policy Review: This Event Media Usage and Consent Policy shall be reviewed periodically to ensure its ongoing relevance and compliance with applicable privacy laws and regulations.


5.2 Policy Updates: KAP reserves the right to update or modify this policy at any time to reflect changes in its practices or legal requirements. Any updates to this policy will be communicated to relevant stakeholders and published on the KAP websites and official social media platforms.


By implementing this Event Media Usage and Consent Policy, KAP aims to uphold the privacy rights of individuals featured in event-related media and maintain transparency in capturing, using, and publishing such media on official platforms, including the KAP websites, official social media platforms, and other official KAP communication channels.


Annex: Process for Revoking Consent and Requesting Media Removal

This annex outlines the process for individuals to revoke their consent and request the removal of their media from any Kerala Association of Poland (KAP) promotional materials or official platforms, including the KAP websites, official social media platforms, and other official KAP communication channels.


Revoking Consent:


1.1 Consent Withdrawal Request: Individuals who wish to revoke their consent for the usage of their media can submit a written request to KAP. The request should clearly state their intention to withdraw their consent for the specific media and provide relevant details, such as the event name, date, and any identifying information associated with the media (if available).


1.2 Contact Information: The request should include the individual's full name, contact information (email address, phone number, and mailing address), and any other details necessary for KAP to process the request.


1.3 Submission Method: Consent withdrawal requests should be submitted via email to


Media Removal Request:


2.1 Removal Request: Individuals who wish to request the removal of specific media from KAP promotional materials or official platforms can submit a written request to KAP. The request should clearly identify the media to be removed and provide relevant details, such as the event name, date, and any identifying information associated with the media (if available).


2.2 Contact Information: The request should include the individual's full name, contact information (email address, phone number, and mailing address), and any other details necessary for KAP to process the request.


2.3 Submission Method: Media removal requests should be submitted via email to


Processing and Response:


3.1 Confirmation of Receipt: Upon receiving a consent withdrawal or media removal request, KAP will send an acknowledgment of receipt to the individual's provided contact information.


3.2 Verification and Processing: KAP will review the request and verify the details provided. This may involve cross-referencing with existing records to ensure accuracy and validate the request.


3.3 Removal and Notification: If the request is validated, KAP will promptly take reasonable steps to remove the requested media from its promotional materials and official platforms. Once the removal has been completed, KAP will notify the individual of the action taken.


Further Inquiries:


For any further inquiries or concerns regarding the revocation of consent or media removal, individuals may contact KAP through the designated email address


By providing a clear process for individuals to revoke their consent and request the removal of their media, KAP aims to ensure that individuals' privacy preferences are respected and that their rights are upheld in relation to event-related media usage on KAP promotional materials and official platforms. 

Get in Touch

You may contact if any questions or concerns. We will be happy to assist you. 

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